portrait of Erik Holm in his studio

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Erik Holm in front of Oxford Uni
Kopenhagen University
Erik in front of Kopenhagen University

1. Early Years

Born 7/3/89, Erik grew up in Blåwand, Denmark. He is the last child with two siblings, the son of a an engineer and a herbalist. In high school, he graduated as valedictorian.

2. School

After completing his BA in Psychology at the University of Copenhagen, he went on to earn an MBA from Saïd Business School at the University of Oxford.

Erik Holm in front of Oxford Uni
Kopenhagen University
Erik in front of Kopenhagen University
Erik holding a clipboard with some sketches at his office job

3. Pre 'Socrates Eterna' Career

He spent eight years at Henne Bank as a teller, management trainee, systems analyst, and budget supervisor. After that, he worked for eight years at Eurotel Telecommunications, focusing on financial analysis and behavioral customer research.

4. Socrates Eterna

Socrates Eterna launched in 2008 in select EU countries and is now available in 30 countries worldwide. Erikholm.com was one of the first ever comic subscription websites. In 2012, Erik won the Aurelius Prize.

Erik at the Aurelius Prize ceremony
magazine cover of first Socrates Eterna Comics
screenshot of old comic subscription website
book cover of Tools of the Modern Age
book cover of Platos secrets

5. Socrates Bestsellers

From 2012 onwards Erik Holm wrote multiple International #1 Bestsellers, including "The Socratic Method: Tools for the Modern Age (Le Monde)", and "Plato’s Secret Notes: Hidden Lessons from the Academy (Der Spiegel)".